這是一篇有關想像力的文章, 天馬行空想像力很難與外人道
多看卡通, 童話神話故事是有幫助的
Narrator : Orson Welles .
Spoken text from MARGINALIA by Edgar Allan Poe
Spoken text : 談話文字
ALAN PARSONS PROJECT - A Dream Within A Dream 夢中夢
For my own part, 在我的部分
I have never had a thought, 我如果有一個全新的想法
which I could not set down in words, 我不能用文字來表達
with even more distinctness, 為了更清楚
than that with which I conceived it 然後我使用想像來構思
There is however a class of fancies, 不管如何這是一個想像力的課程
of exquisite delicacy, which are not thoughts, 屬於優雅精細, 但它不是一個思想
and to which as yet I've found it, 而且我還發現它
absolutely impossible to adapt to language. 絕對無法用言語表達
These fancies arise in the soul, alas how rarely.. 想像力由靈魂內部升起, 可悲的是它非常稀有
Only at epochs of most intense tranquillity, 只有在長時間處於最強烈寧靜的時期
when the bodily and mental health are in perfection. 當身心都處於絕佳狀態
And at those weird points of time, 而且在一個超自然的時間點
where the confines of the waking world, 那裡濃縮這個花花世界
blend with the world of dreams. 混和夢的世界
And so I captured this.. fancy, 所以我捕捉這個….幻想
where all that we see, or seem, 不論何處我們所見, 或似乎
is but a dream.. within a dream..! 僅是一個夢, 夢中的夢