這首歌原唱是Bob Dylan

Make You Feel My Love by Adele & Tayla Alexander 讓你感覺我的愛


When the rain is blowing in your face 當雨水吹到妳臉上

And the whole world is on your case 而且整個世界都給妳壓力

I could offer you a warm embrace 我可以給妳溫暖的擁抱

To make you feel my love 讓你感覺我的愛


When the evening shadows and the stars appear 當夜幕低垂星光顯現

And there is no one there to dry your tears 那裏沒人去擦乾妳的眼淚

I could hold you for a million years 我可以抱著妳百萬年

To make you feel my love 讓妳感覺我的愛


I know you haven’t made your mind up yet 我知道妳的心情還很糟糕

But I would never do you wrong 但是我將會對妳很好

I’ve known it from the moment that we met 我知道從我們相遇的那一刻

No doubt in my mind where you belong 毫無疑問妳在我心中的地位


I’d go hungry, I’d go black and blue 我願意飢餓, 我願意黑青遍體麟傷

I’d go crawling down the avenue 我願意在大街上爬行

There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do 我願意做任何事情

To make you feel my love 讓妳感覺我的愛


The storms are raging on the rollin’ sea 暴風雨肆虐在波濤洶湧的海

And on the highway of regret 在後悔的高速路上

The winds of change are blowing wild and free 這風變的狂野和無遮攔

You ain’t seen nothing like me yet 妳無法看到任何事情像我一樣


I could make you happy, make your dreams come true 我可以讓妳快樂, 讓妳夢想成真

Nothing that I wouldn’t do 我願意做任何事情

Go to the ends of the earth for you 為妳直到世界末日

To make you feel my love 讓妳感覺我的愛


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