這首歌其實是痛心地球的森林, 生態被燒成灰燼, 石化燃料讓地球升溫, 而我們想找方法保護

求神拜佛都沒用, 只能由自己做起, 簡樸寡慾減少消耗, 才能挽救人類命運

MV 作者用吸血鬼來諷刺人類是冷剝皮者, 吸乾扒盡

文化的差異, 我無法懂When the wine drinks itself,是甚麼典故, 只能字面直譯

Burn to a Cinder 燒成灰燼


Deep in the night, boundless violence will seethe with the danger 在午夜, 無限的暴力將充滿危險
Our laws collide not allowing another contender 我們的法律互相矛盾不允許其他競爭者
When the wine drinks itself, you will burn to a cinder 當酒喝掉他自己, 你將被燒成灰燼
We're fighting time awaiting the answers 我們爭取時間等待答案

I'll never let them stake you down 我從不讓他們打倒你
Take you down 放倒你
I'll fight to find a way 我努力去找方法

Is there a way to turn the mind of a barbaric stranger? 有任何方法去改變殘暴陌生人的想法嗎?
Eternal days awaiting for you to awake, my avenger 永恆的日子(生態)等待你覺醒, 我的罪犯
A cruel fate now condemns us to burn to a cinder 殘忍的命運現在詛咒我們去燒成灰燼
Are we too late, running on empty? 我們太慢跑掉嗎?

I'll never let them stake you down 我從不讓他們打倒你
Take you down 放倒你
I'll fight to find a way out there 我將努力去找方法
It must be hard 它一定非常困難
I'll never let them break you now 我從不讓他們現在折斷你
Forsake you now 現在背叛你
Keep holding on and 堅持著

Give me answers to my prayers給我的祈禱一個答案
We'll never hide, we'll face the glare 我們從不逃避, 我們面對敵意的目光
You're the light I see to, raise the flame and blaze the fire 你是我見到的希望, 舉起火把而且燃燒烈焰
Give me answer to my prayers 給我的祈禱一個答案
We'll carry all the weights to bear 我們將承擔所有的重擔
Give me sight to see 給我一個訊號看
I know a way is there to keep the flame 我知道這裡有一個方法去保持香火

I'll never let them stake you down 我從不讓他們打倒你
I'll fight to find a way out there  我努力去找方法
It must be hard 它一定非常困難
I'll never let them break you now 我從不讓他現在們折斷你
Keep holding on and 繼續堅持

Give me answers to my prayers 給我的祈禱一個答案
We'll never hide, we'll face the glare 我們從不逃避, 我們面對敵意的目光
You're the light I see to, raise the flame and blaze the fire 你是我見到的希望, 舉起火把而且燃燒烈焰
Give me answer to my prayers 給我的祈禱一個答案
We'll carry all the weights to bear  我們承擔所有的重擔
Give me sight to see 給我一個訊號看
I know a way is there to keep the flame 我知道這裡有一個方法去保持香火

Why can't I bleed with you? 為何我不能和你一起流血
Forever I will be thrown to the wolves 永遠的我將被丟入狼群
They'll feed on all our dreams 他們將吃掉我們所有的夢想


作詞/作曲:Amanda Somerville / Coen J. Janssen / Isaac Delahaye / Mark Jan Jansen / Markus H J Mark Jansen / Sascha Paeth / Simone J.M. Simons

《Burn to a Cinder》歌詞 © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc



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