Natural corruption EPICA 中文翻譯 貪汙自然界

 Another day passed by in ruined paradise 又經過一天的迫害天堂生態
 Another night will pass until were sheltered 又將經過一夜消費,直到我們感覺被庇護
 Were aiming for a life that wont be compromised 我們只保護特定一個生命,並非折衷方案
 And when we say goodbye its devastating 當我們說再見,那就是滅絕

 Now that we have finally realized 現在我們必須有最後認知
 Realized, petrified 認清真相會嚇死我們
 That profits made from innocent demise 商業利益是來自無辜生命的滅亡
 Profits made from tragic demise 商業利益來自悲劇般的滅亡

 Another day goes by where money wont suffice 又過了一天,抱怨錢賺不夠
 A massive gift was meant as contribution 購買大量禮物叫做促進經濟
 Our conscience comes to aid that ends up in wrong hands 我們下意識的用錯誤來自取滅亡
 And once the truths revealed, intent is fading 一當真相被揭露,消費企圖就會衰退?

 Now that we have come to realize 現在我們必須要相信
 Realized, sanctified 相信這神聖目標
 Our hearts subdued by all those thousand cries 我們的心順從千萬個哭喊
 Hearts subdued by all those fierce cries 心順從那些強烈的哭喊

 In moment of deadly gloom 偶而在我們極度憂慮的瞬間
 Youg lives ended way too soon 感嘆年輕生命將死於非命
 The facts that are all untrue 然後又說這都不是真的
 Spread lies that were not thought through 散佈謊言都不需要經過腦袋

 Fight off the catastrophes 戰勝大災難
 Find true inned sanctity 找出內心真正的聖潔
 In modern society 在現在的社會
 Welfare is stained, time to come clean again 上天的恩德被誤用了,到了大清洗的時候了

 Feast on sheer agony 盛宴最擔憂面子
 Lean on generosity 傾向慷慨
 Pay in full, it all will vanish without care 鋪張浪費從不心疼
 Grant us higher proceeds 只因我們有較高的收入

 Well ease your mind, guaranteed 我們將改變你的心,保證
 We should all be reaching out to the despaired 我們都將面臨絕望

 Natural corruption 貪汙自然生態
 Charity 博愛

 Can you believe it 你相信嗎?
 How natures left its trace 自然界如何留下他的軌跡
 Could we foresee it 我們能預測它嗎?
 What skies erased 甚麼是極端氣候毀滅?

 We all are trying 我們都試盡各種方法
 We all are dying in natures arms... 我們都將死於自然的手裡

 In moment of deadly gloom 偶而在我們極度憂慮的瞬間
 Youg lives ended way too soon 感嘆年輕生命將死於非命
 The facts that are all untrue 然後又說這都不是真的
 Spread lies that were not thought through 散佈謊言都不需要經過腦袋

 Fight off the catastrophes 戰勝自然大災難
 Find true inner sanctity 找尋內心真誠的自我
 In modern society 在現在的社會
 Nothing to hide, lives to obtain 沒甚麼事情可以隱瞞,人人都可以獲得資訊
 Welfare is stained, time to come clean again 上天的恩德被誤用了,到了大清洗的時候了






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