XANDRIA - Queen Of Hearts Reborn 皇后的心重生
Old as time long foretold 古老的預言
We all know how it ends before it has grown old 我們都知道如何在他長大前結束他
By the hand of the Queen our hearts shall be redeemed靠著皇后的手, 我們的心將重生
Out for blood call the bluff on his heart for the queen 吸血鬼們群出虛張聲勢說他們的野心是奪取皇后
Takes the lead and foresees stakes decline here tonight 吹牛領先和預言賭注(支持度)在這裏今晚將減少
Play the game lead the way ready to crush and scorn 玩弄陰謀朝向準備好去弄垮和嘲笑
Blood will fall from her thorns for the queen is reborn 血將由她的荊棘流下為著皇后重生
Here I am to live the tale the game is in my hands我來了,為了實踐那個傳說, 這遊戲在我掌握之中
Now up the curtain goes though you wont seize or understand 現在拉開序幕走出來, 你不必捉著我或了解
The play before your eyes the fury in my mind 在你眼前這遊戲讓我心裡非常憤怒
The score unwinding這分數更在慢慢揭曉
Your house of cards will come tumbling down 你的紙牌屋經不起考驗將崩塌
Better fold or pass tonight Im 這次最好收起來或跳過, 我建議
Out for blood call the bluff on your heart I the queen 吸血鬼群出虛張聲勢在你心裏, 但我是皇后
Take the lead and foresee stakes decline cause the wild card is mine! 領先和預言賭資(你的支持者)將減少,因為王牌是我的
The wild card is mine! 王牌是我的
How ignorant is the fool who wears the mask of a king 那些帶著面具裝王者的笨蛋是多麼愚昧無知
Whos is deaf to the truth screaming from within 那些昧於事實由心裡尖叫的人
Who so denies the world in his self-loving reign 那些如此否認世界的自戀狂
That neither friend nor foe nor mirror could make him sane朋友,敵人或是鏡子都不能讓他變理智
King suicide you wont wither on your throne你不會凋零在王座上因為國王會先自殺
Let it be known tonight I am 今晚讓他廣為人知, 我要
Out for blood call the bluff on your heart I the queen吸血鬼群出虛張聲勢在你心裏, 但我是皇后
Take the lead and foresee stakes decline cause the wild card is... 領先和預言賭資將減少,因為王牌是…
In the game on her way ready to crush and scorn遊戲中用她的方法, 準備好開始破壞和輕蔑嘲弄
Blood will fall from my thorns call your bluff鮮血會從我的荊棘上落下, 揭穿你的牌
For the queen of hears is reborn 為了皇后的心重生
And the wild card is mine! 王牌是我的
Oh let the truth be told score before your eyes is unwinding! 歐, 在你雙眼睜開前讓事實廣為流傳達陣
Queen of Hearts reborn! 皇后的心重生
Old as time and long foretold 古老的預言
We all knew how it would end before it could grow old我們都知道如何在他長大前結束他
By the hand of the Queen our lives and hearts were redeemed 靠著皇后的手, 我們的生命和心得到救贖
And again the truth prevails or so it seems 再一次, 真理得到伸張或冥冥中注定