進撃の巨人 紅蓮の弓矢 EPICA 英文版 Crimson Bow and Arrow

Nos rapti sumus aut tamen raptores?

On to battle 上戰場

Here we are the hunters 這裡我們是獵人

Red as fire 熱情如火

Crimson Bow and Arrow 憤怒的弓箭

Waiting for the storm wont help you 等待風暴無法幫你

Just the will to fight can change you 只有你作戰的意志可以改變你

Clean your weapons blow the dust off 清潔你的武器吹掉灰塵

Fear and prayers will never save us 恐懼與祈禱從未拯救我們

We cant hide our pride behind fear 我們不能將驕傲藏在恐懼之後

We will not let them be this near 我們不能讓他們逼近

In the end our strength unites us 最後我們的力量將團結起來

Just the will to fight will save us 只有戰鬥意志將拯救我們

No, we will never ever fail 不, 我們從未失敗

We stand up and we fight for the moment of the truth 我們為真理時刻站起來戰鬥

Stand up and fight for their demise 站起來戰鬥直到他們煙銷灰滅

We wont surrender 我們不會投降

Day and night dividing the legions 日日夜夜分化軍團

Ignorance will show its weakness 無知將露出他的弱點

Lasting peace an abandoned illusion 放棄最後和平的幻想

Blinded by trust in a twilight zone 眼盲來自相信混淆事實的模糊地帶

Day and night disguising their secrets日日夜夜隱藏他們的密謀

Ignorance will kill the fearless 無知將殺死無懼

Offerings of reckless courage 魯莽勇氣將成祭品

Freedom for us all 為了大家的自由

On to battle 上戰場

Here we are the hunters 這裡我們是獵人

Red as fire 熱情如火

Fear the bow 震攝的弓

The humility of imprisonment 被禁錮的人性

Fight with Crimson Bow and Arrow 用憤怒的弓箭戰鬥

Far away from the solemn castle walls 遠離嚴肅的城牆

Jäger hunts his prey to death now 現在獵人誓言獵捕他們的獵物至死

Diving into the instincts of the night 潛入夜的本能

Red is piercing through the twilight 熱情能貫穿社會動盪的黃昏

Soldiers with their wings of freedom will attack戰士們展開自由的雙翼攻擊

Free the unrelenting slaves 解放頑固的惡魔奴隸

Right now! 就是現在

Not knowing the names of our 雖然沒人知道我們的名子

Broken trees and the trampled flowers 被破壞樹林和被踐踏花朵

The fallen bird awaits the breeze 和落地的鳥等待微風

No one will guide you 沒人可以引導你

Everlasting calm of the herds 人群永恆的無動於衷

It is but a vast illusion 他們是但卻有巨大的幻想

Failing freedom of our dying wolves威脅自由是我們瀕死的狼群

Marks the era of confusion 標註混淆的傳播訊息

Praying wont help 祈禱沒任何幫助

Fight for your land 為你的土地戰鬥

Freedom and our way of life 為自由和我們生活的方式而戰

These are but a vast illusion 他們是但他們有巨大幻想

When the darkness hits our crying wolves 當黑暗降臨我們咆哮的狼群

It marks the era of conclusion標註傳播訊息的結論

Those who only complain about their helplessness will not change a thing 那些人只會抱怨他們多無助, 並無法改變事實

The boy will pick up the black sword 這男孩將撿起漆黑的劍

Hate and anger are a two-edged blade 恨和暴怒是雙刃劍

And soon it will show its teeth 不久後將他露出真面目

All that ends this brutal game is not the weapon nor the skill 最後這些殘忍的遊戲不是武器也不是技巧

Reach out for the desire and awake your will to kill 渴望達標和覺醒你的決心去戰鬥殺敵

Go and free your mind, immerse yourself in unstoppable killer instinct 解放你的心靈, 沉浸於你自己擁有不達目的絕不停止的殺手本能

Bring back the hope, illuminate the darkness 帶回希望, 照亮黑暗

Stand up and fight for their demise 站起來戰鬥直到他們煙銷灰滅

We wont surrender now 我們絕不投降

Enthrone the devil in disguise 登基的惡魔偽裝著

You cant defend her 你無法保護她

Day and night dividing the legions 日日夜夜分化我們的軍團

Ignorance will show its weakness 無知將露出弱點

Lasting peace an abandoned illusion 最後的和平是一個遭遺棄的幻想

Blinded by trust in a twilight zone眼盲來自相信混淆事實的模糊地帶

Day and night disguising their secrets 日日夜夜隱藏他們的密謀

Ignorance will kill the fearless無知將殺死無懼

Offerings of reckless courage魯莽勇氣將成祭品

Freedom for us all 為了大家的自由

On to battle 上戰場

Here we are the hunters 在這裡我們是獵人

Red as fire 熱情如火

Crimson Bow and Arrow 憤怒的弓箭

On to battle 上戰場

Here we die as heroes 在這裡我們要死也要如英雄

Red as fire 熱情如火

Hearts will bleed to death 滿腔熱血視死如歸




    創作者 TEdison 的頭像


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