Da da da da
Da da da da
Da da da da da

[Verse 1]
I don't know if I can yell any louder 我不知道假如我可以吼更大聲
How many times have I kicked you out of here? 數不清多少次我把你踢出去
Or said something insulting? 或說一些污辱你的話
Da da da da da
I can be so mean when I wanna be 我可以這麼過分當我想要
I am capable of really anything 我有能力做出任何事情
I can cut you into pieces 我可以把你剁成一塊一塊的
When my heart is broken 當我的心碎了
Da da da da da

Please, don't leave me 請, 不要離開我
Please, don't leave me 請, 不要離開我
I always say how I don't need you 我總是說我多麼不需要你
But it's always gonna come right back to this 但總是要回頭去找你
Please, don't leave me 請, 不要離開我

[Verse 2]
How did I become so obnoxious? 為何我會變得如此討厭
What is it with you that makes me act like this? 甚麼是造成你讓我反應如此激烈?
I've never been this nasty 我不曾這樣討人厭
Can't you tell that this is all just a contest? 你能告訴我這些只是爭論嗎?
The one that wins will be the one that hits the hardest 一邊贏了將讓另外一邊造受嚴重打擊
But baby, I don't mean it 但是寶貝, 我的意思不是這樣
I mean it, I promise 我意思是, 我承諾
Da da da da da

Please, don't leave me (oh) 請, 不要離開我
Please, don't leave me (don't leave me) 請, 不要離開我( 不要離開我)
I always say how I don't need you 我總是說我多麼不需要你
But it's always gonna come right back to this 但總是要回頭去找你
Please, don't leave me 請, 不要離開我

I forgot to say out loud 我忘記大聲說
How beautiful you really are to me 你對我來說是真的很漂亮
I can't be without 我不能沒有你
You're my perfect little punching bag 你是我完美的小小拳擊沙包
And I need you 我需要你
I'm sorry 對不起
Da da da da
Da da da da
Da da da da da

Please, please, don't leave me 請, 請, 不要離開我
Baby, please, don't leave me (no, don't leave me) 寶貝, 請, 不要離開我(不要離開我)
Please, don't leave me (I always say) 請, 不要離開我(我總是說)
I always say how I don't need you 我總是說我多麼不需要你
But it's always gonna come right back to this 但總是要回頭去找你
Please, don't leave me 請, 不要離開我
Please, don't leave me (I, I) 請, 不要離開我(我, 我)
I always say how I don't need you 我總是說我多麼不需要你
But it's always gonna come right back to this 但總是要回頭去找你
Please, please, don't leave me 請, 請, 不要離開我

Baby, please, please, don't leave me 寶貝,  請, 請不要離開我






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