每一個靈魂都有殘缺, 直到他們找到另外一個靈魂互相依賴

無法看到樂觀背後的陰霾, 也很難看到死寂中的生機





Evanescence - Bring Me To Life 帶我重生

[Verse 1: Amy Lee]

How can you see into my eyes like open doors? 你是如何輕易的看穿我的眼睛像是不設防
Leading you down into my core 帶著你進到我的內心
Where I've become so numb, without a soul 那裏我變得如此麻木, 沒有靈魂
My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold 我的靈體沉睡在某個寒冷的地方
Until you find it there and lead it back home 直到你在那裏找到他而且帶祂回家

[Chorus: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

Wake me up, Wake me up inside 叫醒我, 叫醒我的內心
I can't wake up ,Wake me up inside 我醒不過來, 叫醒我的內心
Save me, Call my name and save me from the dark 救我, 叫我的名子而且把我從黑暗中救出來
Wake me up, Bid my blood to run 叫醒我, 試著讓我的血液流動
I can't wake up, Before I come undone 我醒不過來, 在我被解救以前
Save me, Save me from the nothing I've become 救我, 從我變成虛無的地方救我

[Verse 2: Amy Lee]

Now that I know what I'm without 現在我知道我缺少甚麼?
You can't just leave me 你不能就這樣離開我
Breathe into me and make me real 讓我能呼吸而且讓我變成真的
Bring me to life 帶我重生

[Chorus: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

Wake me up, Wake me up inside 叫醒我, 叫醒我的內心
I can't wake up, Wake me up inside 我醒不過來, 叫醒我的內心
Save me, Call my name and save me from the dark 救我, 叫我的名子而且把我從黑暗中救出來
Wake me up, Bid my blood to run 叫醒我, 試著讓我的血液流動
I can't wake up, Before I come undone我醒不過來, 在我被解救以前
Save me, Save me from the nothing I've become 救我, 從我變成虛無的地方救我

[Bridge: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

Bring me to life 帶我重生
I've been livin' a lie, there's nothing inside 我都是活在一個謊言中, 那裏一片空白
Bring me to life 帶我重生
Frozen inside, without your touch  內心是冰凍的, 沒有你的撫摸,
Without your love, darling 沒有你的愛, 親愛的
Only you are the life Among the dead 只有你是死亡中的唯一生機

[Verse 3: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see 所有的時間, 我無法相信我看不見
Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me 停留在黑暗中, 但是在那裏你站在我面前
I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems 我已經沉睡一千年, 似乎
Got to open my eyes to everything! 必需張開眼睛去看一切
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul 沒有思想, 沒有聲音, 沒有靈魂
Don't let me die here 不要讓我死在這裡
There must be something more! 這裡一定有更多的東西
Bring me to life! 帶我重生

[Chorus: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

Wake me up, Wake me up inside 叫醒我, 叫醒我的內心
I can't wake up, Wake me up inside 我醒不過來, 叫醒我的內心
Save me, Call my name and save me from the dark 救我, 叫我的名子而且把我從黑暗中救出來
Wake me up, Bid my blood to run  叫醒我, 試著讓我的血液流動
I can't wake up, Before I come undone我醒不過來, 在我被解救以前
Save me, Save me from the nothing I've become 救我, 從我變成虛無的地方救我 

[Outro: Amy Lee & Paul McCoy]

Bring me to life 帶我重生
I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside 我都是活在一個謊言中, 那裏一片空白
Bring me to life 帶我重生


這首確定情歌無誤, 應該不會再踩雷

Evanescence - Missing 

Please, please, please 請, 請, 請
Can you stop the fire? Can you stand to fight her? You can't stop the fire. You won't say the words
你能撲滅這場火嗎? 你能站起來爭取她嗎? 你不能阻止這場火, 因為你不說這些字眼...我愛妳

[Verse 1:]
Please, please forgive me 請, 請原諒我.
But I won't be home again 但是我不要再回家了.
Maybe someday you'll look up 也許有一天你將變好.
And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: 但是沒有意識到, 你將沒人可以傾訴.
"Isn't something missing?" 沒有甚麼東西不見了嗎?
You won't cry for my absence, I know 你不會為我離開而哭泣, 我知道
You forgot me long ago 你早就沒把我放在心上.
Am I that unimportant? 我是這麼不重要嗎?
Am I so insignificant? 我就這麼不起眼嗎?
Isn't something missing? 到底我缺少甚麼特質?
Isn't someone missing me? 沒有某人想念我嗎?

Even though I'm the sacrifice 甚至我犧牲我自己.
You won't try for me, not now 你也不會試著為我做些事, 不是現在
Though I'd die to know you love me 雖然我渴望想知道你是否愛我?
I'm all alone 我孤單獨自一人
Isn't someone missing me? 沒有某人想念我嗎?

[Verse 2:]
Please, please forgive me 請請原諒我.
But I won't be home again 但是我不要再回家了.
I know what you do to yourself 我知道你自私自利.
I breathe deep and cry out 我深吸一口氣然後哭出來.
"Isn't something missing? 沒有甚麼東西不見了?
Isn't someone missing me?" 沒有某人在想念我嗎?

Even though I'm the sacrifice 甚至我犧牲我自己.
You won't try for me, not now 你也不會試著為我做些事, 不是現在
Though I'd die to know you love me 雖然我渴望想知道你是否愛我?
I'm all alone 我孤單獨自一人
Isn't someone missing me? 沒有某人想念我嗎?

[Verse 3:]
And if I bleed, I'll bleed 假如我流血, 我將流血不止.
Knowing you don't care 知道妳一點都不在乎.
And if I sleep just to dream of you 假如我睡覺只是為了夢見你.
I'll wake without you there 我醒來卻失去你.
Isn't something missing? 沒有甚麼東西不見嗎?
Isn't something 沒有甚麼東西.

Even though I'm the sacrifice 甚至我犧牲我自己.
You won't try for me, not now 你也不會試著為我做些事, 不是現在
Though I'd die to know you love me 雖然我渴望想知道你是否愛我?
I'm all alone 我孤單獨自一人
Isn't something missing? 沒有甚麼東西不見嗎?
Isn't someone missing me? 沒有某人在想念我嗎?




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