我蠻喜歡這首歌的旋律和意境, 蠻催淚的, 感情太豐富的不要聽, 叔叔有練過

Christina Aguilera - Hurt  痛

[Verse 1]
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face 當時我見到你, 似乎像昨天一樣清晰
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away 你告訴我你多麼的以我為榮, 但是我不理的走開了
If only I knew what I know today 假如我知道會有今天

I would hold you in my arms 我將把你抱在懷裡
I would take the pain away 我將把痛苦拿走
Thank you for all you've done 謝謝你為我所做的一切
Forgive all your mistakes 原諒你所有的錯誤
There's nothing I wouldn't do 我要想盡一切辦法
To hear your voice again 再一次聽到你的聲音
Sometimes I wanna call you, but I know you won't be there 有時候我想打電話給你, 但是我知道你不在了

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you ㄡ, 對不起我錯怪你
For everything I just couldn't do 對於我無法做到的一切感到抱歉
And I've hurt myself by hurting you 而且我用傷害你來傷害我自己

[Verse 2]
Some days I feel broke inside, but I won't admit 某些日子我感到心碎但是我就是不承認
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss 有時後我僅能逃避, 因為我想念你
And it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this 非常難以說再見, 當事情到這個地步

Would you tell me I was wrong? 可否請你告訴我, 我錯了?
Would you help me understand? 可否請你幫助我了解?
Are you lookin' down upon me? 你會看不起我嗎?
Are you proud of who I am? 你會以我為榮嗎?
There's nothing I wouldn't do 我要想盡一切辦法
To have just one more chance 去爭取再一次的機會
To look into your eyes and see you looking back 讓我們深情的四目相對

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you ㄡ, 對不起我錯怪你 
For everything I just couldn't do 對於我無法做到的一切感到抱歉
And I've hurt myself 而且我傷害我自己
Oh, oh , ㄡ, ㄡ

If I had just one more day 假如我能再有一天
I would tell you how much that 我將告訴你我有多麼的
I've missed you since you've been away 想念你, 自從你離開以後
Oh, it's dangerous ㄡ, 非常的危險
It's so out of line 這樣太超過了
To try and turn back time 試著要回到舊日時光

Oh, I'm sorry for blaming you ㄡ, 對不起我錯怪你
For everything I just couldn't do  對於我無法做到的一切感到抱歉
And I've hurt myself by hurting you 而且我用傷害你來傷害我自己


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