吃碗內看碗外是台語中一句諷刺人身在福中不知福, 老是覬覦更多, 貪心不足
斜槓人生則是鼓勵人有多重技能甚至有多重職業, 一來免失業二來可以做自己有興趣的事
把兩句話加在一起, 好像我在唱衰斜槓青年
錯, 水瓶我擅長歪打正著, 以怪異的角度變化球進壘
做任何事情如果能夠專注都能成功, 所謂行行出狀元
我的受雇職業生涯其實都付出全力, 短期內把自己能力提升到部門內頂尖
但是我悸動的心, 不會因此滿足
所以開始輕鬆吃碗內, 看看同事在做甚麼的看碗外, 不但偷學還主動幫忙
過一陣子, 我把同事的功力全都吸收, 還是很無聊
就開始研究部門內機台所需要的設計技術, 東弄西查
然後開始思考部門運作, 公司管理
如果我能觸及的職位與部門都被占據封死, 無法繼續成長
經過幾次開除老闆, 我把自己養成為具商業腦筋的全能技術者
我愛怎麼槓都可以, 我不可能會失業餓死的
只是人生是一連串際遇和選擇, 每個人一天都只有24小時
現在雖然無聊卻不能開除自己, 只能上網聽歌打嘴砲, 也算是斜槓吧?????
許多人幻想當網紅可以名利雙收, 其實不容易,
成功者寥寥可數, 所投入的時間精力不一定能有經濟上的回報
我個人認為要成功的斜槓, 要先專注本業提升自己
或是把自己的藝術才華化為商品, 但要先學會如何商業考量
我如果是當試吃網紅, 我會趁機蒐集分析餐廳成功的秘密, 發掘人才
Nightwish 是我非常喜歡的樂團, 音樂有交響樂的波瀾壯闊
有搖滾樂的強節奏, 最重要的是歌詞充滿想像力與社會性
一本書就是書, 還能做出一篇文章寫出一首歌, 充滿想像力和啟發性
我對Nightwish 又怕又愛, 怕的是他的歌詞讓我腦筋轉多少圈都無法深入, 愛的事他們的旋律悠揚
斜槓要成功就是需要充滿想像力, 才能吸引人
好長13分鐘的歌, 只有渴望知識與成功的人才聽得完
歌詞內容看似亂跳雜亂無章, 其實是在描訴書本內容多變, 以及看完書本後內心平靜
照例Nightwish 關注社會人文被科技綁架, 預告世界末日
Nightwish - Song of Myself 夜願 - 書本之歌
1. From A Dusty Bookshelf
2. All That Great Heart Lying Still
The nightingale is still locked in the cage 夜鷹仍然被鎖在籠子
The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs 我深吸一口氣仍然毒化我的肺
An old oak sheltering me from the blue 一棵老橡樹幫我遮蔽藍天
Sun bathing on its dead frozen leaves 太陽沐浴在他自己的冰凍落葉
A catnap in the ghost town of my heart 我在我的心中的鬼鎮休息打盹
She dreams of storytime and the river ghosts
Of mermaids, of Whitman’s and the Ride 關於美人魚, 惠特曼和謎語
Raving harlequins, gigantic toys 胡言亂語的小丑, 巨人般玩具
A song of me a song in need 介紹我的歌是一首必要的歌
Of a courageous symphony 關於勇氣的交響樂
A verse of me a verse in need 介紹我的詩是一首必要的詩
Of a pure-heart singing me to peace 關於純潔的心唱的我心靈平靜
All that great heart lying still and slowly dying 所有偉大的心仍然蟄伏而且慢慢死去
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing 所有偉大的心仍然在天使翅膀上
All that great heart lying still 所有偉大的心仍然蟄伏
In silent suffering 在默默承受著
Smiling like a clown until the show has come to an end 笑得像小丑般直到這場戲結束
What is left for encore 還剩下甚麼可以再"安可"演出
Is the same old Dead Boy’s song 是這首老的"死男孩"之歌嗎?(夜願的歌)
Sung in silence 寂靜唱著
All that great heart lying still and slowly dying 所有偉大的心仍然蟄伏而且慢慢死去
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing 所有偉大的心仍然在天使翅膀上
A midnight flight into Covington Woods 一個午夜飛進柯文頓森林
A princess and a panther by my side 一個公主和一隻花豹靠近我身旁
These are Territories I live for 這是我居住的領土
I’d still give my everything to love you more 我仍然給出我的一切來更愛你
(repeat br.+ch.)
3. Piano Black
A silent symphony 一首寂靜的交響曲
A hollow opus #1,2,3 一個空洞的樂曲編號123
Sometimes the sky is piano black 有時候天空像鋼琴黑
Piano black over cleansing waters 鋼琴黑在清澈的水域上
Resting pipes, verse of bore 無人吹奏的笛子, 有著詩句的孔洞
Rusting keys without a door 生鏽的鑰匙找不到門
Sometimes the within is piano black 有時候內心是鋼琴黑
Piano black over cleansing waters 鋼琴黑在清澈的水域上
All that great heart lying still and slowly dying 所有偉大的心仍然蟄伏而且慢慢死去
All that great heart lying still on an angelwing 所有偉大的心仍然在天使翅膀上
4. Love
I see a slow, simple youngster by a busy street, with a begging bowl in his shaking hand.
我看到一個遲緩單純小男孩在繁忙街道邊, 他搖著拜託的手裡拿一個乞討的碗
Trying to smile but hurting infinitely. Nobody notices.
試著微笑但受傷如此深邃, 沒人注意到他
I do, but walk by. 我注意到了, 但是我走過去而已
An old man gets naked and kisses a model-doll in his attic.
It’s half-light and he’s in tears.
When he finally comes his eyes are cascading.
I see a beaten dog in a pungent alley. He tries to bite me.
我看到一隻鬥犬在一條發臭刺鼻的巷子裡, 他試圖要咬我
All pride has left his wild drooling eyes.
I wish I had my leg to spare.
A mother visits her son, smiles to him through the bars.
She’s never loved him more.
An obese girl enters an elevator with me. 一個超肥的女孩和我進入電梯
All dressed up fancy, a green butterfly on her neck.
穿著非常時髦, 頸上佩戴著一隻綠色蝴蝶項鍊
Terribly sweet perfume deafens me. 恐怖甜味香水襲來, 讓我掩鼻抵抗
She’s going to dinner alone. 她獨自去吃晚餐
That makes her even more beautiful. 這讓她看起來更漂亮
I see a model’s face on a brick wall. 我看到一個模特兒廣告在磚牆上
A statue of porcelain perfection beside a violent city kill.
A city that worships flesh. 這座城市崇拜肉慾
The 1st thing I ever heard was a wandering man telling his story
It was you, the grass under my bare feet 就是你, 我赤腳踩在草地上
The campfire in the dead of the night 一堆螢火點燃在死寂的黑夜
The heavenly black of sky and sea 海天一片沉重漆黑
It was us 這是我們
Roaming the rainy roads, combing the gilded beaches 漫步在多雨的路上通往金色沙灘
Waking up to a new gallery of wonders every morn 每天早晨在新的驚奇長廊中醒來
Bathing in places no-one’s seen before 沉浸在沒人見過的地方
Shipwrecked on some matt-painted island 沈船在一些島嶼的畫作上
Clad in nothing but the surf - beauty’s finest robe 沒穿衣服在衝浪- 美人最細緻的禮服
Beyond all mortality we are, swinging in the breath of nature
在人生苦短之外, 漫遊在大自然的氣息中
In early air of the dawn of life 沉浸在在生命的黎明的早晨空氣
A sight to silence the heavens 一個能讓天堂被比下去的景象
I want to travel where life travels, following its permanent lead
我要去旅遊, 那裏生命遊歷, 循著永恆的帶領
Where the air tastes like snow music 那裏的空氣嘗起來像是雪的音樂
Where grass smells like fresh-born Eden 那裏的青草聞起來像是新生的伊甸園
I would pass no man, no stranger, no tragedy or rapture
我不會遇到人, 沒有陌生人, 沒有悲劇或是歡天喜地
I would bathe in a world of sensation 我將沐浴在感動的世界
Love, Goodness, and Simplicity 愛, 美好, 單純
( While violated and imprisoned by technology )(當我們被科技囚禁和施暴的時候)
The thought of my family’s graves was the only moment I used to experience true love
我對家族墓園的看法只在一瞬間, 我用來體會真愛
That love remains infinite, as I’ll never be the man my father is
這愛仍然無窮盡, 如果沒有父親就不會有我這個男人
How can you “just be yourself” when you don’t know who you are?
你如何"成為你自己", 當你不知道你是誰時候?
Stop saying “I know how you feel” 不要說我知道你的感覺
How could anyone know how another feels? 任何一個人如何知道其他人的感覺
Who am I to judge a priest, beggar, whore, politician, wrongdoer?
我是哪根蔥可以評斷牧師, 乞丐, 娼妓, 政客, 壞人
I am, you are, all of them already 我是, 你是, 所有其他人早已經是
Dear child, stop working, go play 親愛的孩子, 停止工作, 都去玩
Forget every rule 忘記所有規矩
There’s no fear in a dream 在夢中沒有任何的恐懼
“Is there a village inside this snowflake?”"這裡有任何村莊存在雪花裡面嗎?"
a child asked me “What’s the color of our lullaby?”一個小孩問我, 搖籃曲是甚麼顏色的?
I’ve never been so close to truth as then 我從未像他們一樣這麼接近真理
I touched its silver lining 我被他們如雲層透過來的陽光的希望感動到
Death is the winner in any war 死亡是任何戰爭的勝利者
Nothing noble in dying for your religion 沒有任何事情可以神聖到犧牲生命, 為你的宗教信仰
For your country 為你的國家
For ideology, for faith 為政治思想, 為信仰
For another man, yes 為其他人, 是的
Paper is dead without words 沒有文字的紙是死的
Ink idle without a poem 沒有寫詩的墨水是閒置的
All the world dead without stories 整個世界是死的, 如果沒有故事,
Without love and disarming beauty 沒有愛和愛你的女人
Careless realism costs souls 小心, 現實很傷靈魂的
Ever seen the Lord smile? 你曾見過神微笑嗎?
All the care for the world made Beautiful a sad man?
Why do we still carry a device of torture around our necks?
Oh, how rotten your pre-apocalypse is 歐, 你的預告末日是如此的糟糕
All you bible-black fools living over nightmare ground
I see all those empty cradles and wonder 我看到的全是空的搖籃沒有奇蹟
If man will ever change 如果人類再不悔改濫用資源
I, too, wish to be a decent manboy but all I am
我, 也是, 希望成為一個體面的人類小孩, 但是我是
Is smoke and mirrors 是一陣煙和一面鏡子
Still given everything, may I be deserving 仍然給你所有東西, 我值得嗎?
And there forever remains that change from G to Em
這裡永恆仍然保留著希望假如能改變由G 到 Em