
Blind and Frozen 盲目無情

BEAST IN BLACK "成軍於2015的芬蘭,我被主唱Yannis Papadopoulos清亮而高亢的音調撼動到,好久沒這種討厭的感覺

Blind and Frozen - lyrics 盲目無情




Once I touched your heart 曾經我觸動你的心

Held you in closed arms 擁你入懷抱

Built a haven for your love 為你的愛建立一個天堂

Until I let you fall apart 直到我讓你心碎

Please forgive me 請原諒我


God I miss you like hell 我非常非常想念你

I was wrong I can tell 我錯了,我可以告訴你

For the heart can be blind and frozen我的心可以這麼冷酷無情

Now I live with the pain 現在我活在痛苦中

Every night, every day 日日夜夜

As I read those letters you wrote me 當我讀到你寫的信

How I long for the time 我多麼渴望回到過去

When your lips would kiss mine 當你吻我的時候

And the promise was still unbroken 對你的諾言還沒破滅

I will wait for tomorrow 我等待明天

That may never come 可能回不去了

I will wait in the name of love 我將以愛為名等待著



My forlorn heart faintly beats 我絕望的心微弱跳動

Your absence makes me weak 你不在身旁令我虛弱

And if nothing brings you back 假如你不回來

Surely I'll roam through life in black 當然, 我的生命將永遠遊蕩於黑暗中

Like a shadow 像一個影子

God I miss you like hell 我非常非常想念你

I was wrong I can tell 我錯了,我可以告訴你

For the heart can be blind and frozen我的心可以這麼冷酷無情

Now I live with the pain 現在我活在痛苦中

Every night, every day 日日夜夜

As I read those letters you wrote me 當我讀到你寫的信

How I long for the time 我多麼渴望回到過去

When your lips would kiss mine 當你吻我的時候

And the promise was still unbroken 對你的諾言還沒破滅

I will wait for tomorrow 我等待明天

That may never come 可能回不去了

I will wait in the name of love 我將以愛為名等待著

I would die for the love of mercy 我非常渴望你的原諒

Destiny, is this how it should be? No no no! 命運就是這樣捉弄人 不不不

God I miss you like hell 我非常非常想念你

I was wrong I can tell 我錯了,我可以告訴你

For the heart can be blind and frozen我的心可以這麼冷酷無情

Now I live with the pain 現在我活在痛苦中

Every night, every day 日日夜夜

As I read those letters you wrote me 當我讀到你寫的信

God I miss you like hell 我非常非常想念你

I was wrong I can tell 我錯了,我可以告訴你

For the heart can be blind and frozen我的心可以這麼冷酷無情

Now I live with the pain 現在我活在痛苦中

Every night, every day 日日夜夜

As I read those letters you wrote me 當我讀到你寫的信

How I long for the time 我多麼渴望回到過去

When your lips would kiss mine 當你吻我的時候

And the promise was still unbroken 對你的諾言還沒破滅

I will wait for tomorrow 我等待明天

That may never come 可能回不去了

I will wait in the name of love 我將以愛為名等待著


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