Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is you 所有我需要的聖誕禮物是你

I don't want a lot for Christmas 聖誕節我不需要許多
There is just one thing I need 我只要一個東西
I don't care about the presents 我不在乎禮物
Underneath the Christmas tree 放在聖誕樹下的
I just want you for my own 我只要擁有你
More than you could ever know 比你所知道的更想要
Make my wish come true oh 讓我的的願望實現吧oh
All I want for Christmas is you 我所需要的聖誕禮物就是你

I don't want a lot for Christmas 聖誕節我不需要許多
There is just one thing I need, and I  只有一個東西我需要, 而我
Don't care about the presents  我不在乎禮物
Underneath the Christmas tree 放在聖誕樹下的
I don't need to hang my stocking 我不需要掛我的長襪
There upon the fireplace 在火爐的上面
Santa Claus won't make me happy 聖誕老公公不會讓我高興
With a toy on Christmas day 只在聖誕節送玩具

I just want you for my own 我只需要擁有你
More than you could ever know 比你想像中更需要
Make my wish come true 讓我的願望成真
All I want for Christmas is you 我所需要的聖誕禮物就是你

I won't ask for much this Christmas 今年聖誕節我不會要求太多
I won't even wish for snow, and I 我甚至不想要賞雪, 而我
I just wanna keep on waiting 我僅需要一直等待
Underneath the mistletoe 在槲寄生下等你索吻

I won't make a list and send it 我不要列一長串而且寄出去
To the North Pole for Saint Nick 給北極的聖誕老公公
I won't even stay awake 我甚至不想保持清醒
To hear those magic reindeer click 去聽那些魔術麋鹿的踢答聲

'Cause I just want you here tonight 因為只只想要今晚你出現在這裡
Holding on to me so tight 把我抱得緊緊的
What more can I do 有甚麼我可以做更多的
Oh, Baby all I want for Christmas is you ㄡ, 寶貝所有我需要的聖誕禮物就是你

All the lights are shining 所有的燈都閃耀著
So brightly everywhere 到處都這樣明亮
And the sound of children's 小孩子們的聲音
Laughter fills the air 笑聲充滿整個空氣中

And everyone is singing 每一個人都在唱歌
I hear those sleigh bells ringing 我聽到那些雪橇鈴聲響起
Santa won't you bring me 聖誕老公公你不為我帶來?
The one I really need 我所需要的那個人
Won't you please bring my baby to me quickly 請你趕快把我的寶貝帶來

I don't want a lot for Christmas 我聖誕節不需要許多
This is all I'm asking for 這是我所請求的
I just wanna see my baby 我只需要見我的寶貝
Standing right outside my door 站在我的門外

I just want you for my own 我只需要擁有你
More than you could ever know 比你曾經想過得更需要
Make my wish come true 讓我的夢想成真
Baby all I want for Christmas is you 寶貝, 我所需要的聖誕禮物就是你

All I want for Christmas is you, baby我所需要的聖誕禮物就是你, 寶貝

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