Ellie Goulding 歌聲帶著鼻音, 卻有著清晰空靈撫媚的穿透感, love me like you do 令人驚豔
Ellie Goulding - How Long Will I Love You 我會愛你多久
How long will I love you 我會愛你妳多久
As long as stars are above you 只要星星在妳頭上那麼久
And longer if I can 而且只要我可以活那麼久
How long will I need you 多久我會需要妳
As long as the seasons need to 久的就像四季變換
Follow their plan 跟隨著他們的律動
As long as stars are above you 只要星星在妳頭上那麼久
And longer if I can 而且只要我可以活那麼久
How long will I need you 多久我會需要妳
As long as the seasons need to 久的就像四季變換
Follow their plan 跟隨著他們的律動
How long will I be with you 多久我會跟妳在一起
As long as the sea is bound to 久的就像海洋連結
Wash up on the sand 清洗著沙灘
As long as the sea is bound to 久的就像海洋連結
Wash up on the sand 清洗著沙灘
How long will I want you 多久我需要妳
As long as you want me to 只要你需要我那麼久
And longer by far 而且更久
How long will I hold you 多久我會抱著妳
As long as your father told you 久的就像妳父親告訴妳
As long as you can 只要妳能堅持那麼久
As long as you want me to 只要你需要我那麼久
And longer by far 而且更久
How long will I hold you 多久我會抱著妳
As long as your father told you 久的就像妳父親告訴妳
As long as you can 只要妳能堅持那麼久
How long will I give to you 多久我會給妳一切
As long as I live through you 只要我們住在一起那麼久
However long you say 多久妳自己說
As long as I live through you 只要我們住在一起那麼久
However long you say 多久妳自己說