
Alan Walker - Diamond Heart 鑽石心腸

Hello sweet grief 嗨 甜蜜的悲傷
I know you will be the death of me 我知道你將是死去的我
Feel like the morning after ecstasy 感覺像吃了搖頭丸的清晨
I am drowning in an endless sea 我淹死在一個無止境的海洋
Hello old friend 嗨老朋友
Here's the misery that knows no end 這裡的悲傷已知是無止境的
So I am doing everything I can 所以我盡了一切努力
To make sure I never love again 確定我不會再愛一次

I wish that I did not know 我希望我從不知道
Where all broken lovers go 心碎的戀人們都去哪裡
I wish that my heart was made of stone 我希望我的心是石頭做的
Yeah if I was bulletproof 耶假如我是防彈的
I'd love you black and blue 我曾愛你愛到遍體麟傷的黑青
If I was solid like a jewel 假如我堅實的像珠寶

If I had a diamond heart 假如我有鑽石心腸
Oh oh
I'd give you all my love 我已經給你我所有的愛
If I was unbreakable 假如我是無法被打碎
If I had a diamond heart 假如我有鑽石心腸
Oh oh
You could shoot me with a gun of gold 你可以佣金手槍射擊我
If I was unbreakable 假如我是無法被打碎

I'd walk straight through the bullet 我筆直地穿過子彈
Bendin' like a tulip 彎曲像一朵鬱金香
Blue-eyed and foolish 受寵的和愚蠢的
Never mind the bruises 從不在意瘀傷
Into the fire 進入這火場
Breakin' through the wires 突破這條線
Give you all I've got 給你我所有的
If I had a diamond heart 假如我有鑽石心腸
I'd walk straight through the dagger 我將筆直地穿過匕首
Never break the pattern 從不破壞這個模式
Diamonds don't shatter 鑽石不會粉碎
Beautiful and battered 美麗和受損的
Into the poison 進入毒化
Cry you an ocean 哭著你的淚水變成海洋
Give you all I've got 給你我所擁有的一切

Goodbye, so long 再見再會啦
I don't know if this is right or wrong 我不知道這是對或錯
Am I giving up where I belong? 我要放棄我的歸屬嗎?
'Cause every station is playing our song 因為每個電台都在播放我們的歌
Goodbye my love 再見我的愛
You are everything my dreams made of 妳是我夢想製造的一切
You'll be Prince and I'm the crying dove 妳會變成王子而我只是隻哭泣的鴿子
If I only were unbreakable 假如我只有不被粉碎

I wish that I did not know 我希望我不知道
Where all broken lovers go 心碎的情人們都去哪裡
I wish that my heart was made of stone 我希望我的心是石頭做的
Yeah if I was bulletproof 呀, 假如我是防彈的
I'd love you black and blue我曾經愛你愛到體無完膚的黑青
If I was solid like a jewel 假如我堅硬的像珠寶

If I had a diamond heart 假如我有鑽石心腸
Oh oh
I'd give you all my love 我已經給妳我所有的愛
If I was unbreakable 假如我無法被粉碎
If I had a diamond heart 假如我有鑽石心腸
Oh oh
You could shoot me with a gun of gold 你可以用金手槍射擊我
If I was unbreakable 假如我無法被粉碎

I'd walk straight through the bullet 我筆直穿過槍林彈雨
Bendin' like a tulip 彎曲的像一朵鬱金香
Blue-eyed and foolish 黑眼圈和愚笨
Never mind the bruises 不要在意這些傷痕
Into the fire 進入火中
Breakin' through the wires 穿過這些界線
Give you all I've got 給妳我的所有一切
If I had a diamond heart 假如我有一顆鑽石的心
I'd walk straight through the dagger 我已經筆直地穿過匕首
Never break the從 pattern 不要破壞這模式
Diamonds don't shatter 鑽石不會被粉碎
Beautiful and battered 美麗和受損的
Into the poison 進入毒化
Cry you an ocean 哭妳的眼淚變成海洋
Give you all I've got 給妳我所擁有的一切

If I had a diamond heart 假如我有一顆鑽石的心



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