
Ego Love的定義

It’s the part of our evolution, and when we play out all our ego-driven choices with someone else, we can finally take ownership of them

Ego Love是恐懼猜疑階段的愛,是我們感情發展的一部分, 當我們自我驅動選擇和某人發展感情,充滿試探與不安,最後才能得到真正的愛情


Ego Love
Tired but proud you crawl to the mirror 雖然累但很自豪妳爬到鏡子
Looking for something 尋找某樣東西
You love so much 妳如此愛
You wanna touch 妳想碰觸
You're never upset with enviers saying 妳不曾生氣驕傲地說
Falling into madness 陷入瘋狂
No one won and no one win 沒有人贏,沒有人贏
People around are so calm and quiet 周圍的人如此平靜與沉默
That's why we are so far apart 那是我們為什麼離得如此遠
They're respected - I'm perfected 他們稱讚我- 我如此的完美
Don't make me feel regret and hear 不要讓我覺得或聽到後悔
My only sense is here 我專注在這裡
Let this spoiled heart inside 讓這曾經被破壞的內心
Be guided by my ego mind 被我孳生的愛苗引導
It's my delight 這是我的喜悅
This mud in my mind 爛泥巴塞住我的心
You're washing it off with love and fear 妳用愛和恐懼清掉它
Again irritating me 又讓我再次感覺煩惱
This mud in my heart 爛泥巴塞住我的心
You're tearing it out with all its grace 妳用恩典撥開它
Starring again and again 不斷重複的演出
Vain attempts (you make) to kill lonely boredom 嘗試去殺掉孤獨無聊是徒勞無功
Better motivation - no longer live for ourselves 最積極的做法-不要再做繭自縛
We're finding the truth in self-evaluation 我們找出自我評估的真相
Until it breeds monsters 直到它餵養魔鬼
Invading us, destroying us 入侵我們, 毀滅我們
People want me from all sides 人們從各方來要我
Above, below, and from inside 上下左右
Isolated, but I'm satisfied! 孤立, 但我很滿足
Don't make me feel, I can not hear 不要讓我有感覺, 我無法聽
This is my therapy 這是我的治療方法
Staying blind to mankind 無視於人性
Just bathing in...只沉浸於
This mud in my mind 爛泥巴塞住我的心
You're washing it off with love and fear 妳用愛和恐懼清掉它
Again irritating me 又讓我再次感覺煩惱
This mud in my heart 爛泥巴塞住我的心
You're tearing it out with all its grace 妳用恩典撥開它
Starring again 不斷重複的演出
But this night I will rise 但是今夜我將升起
I am what I am I never care 我是那我從不關心
The world is all mine, forgive me that 全世界都是我的, 原諒我那 
To the stars I will rise 我將升到星空
The World is mine, never lie to my 全世界都是我的,不要欺騙我的
My egocentric love, ego love 我自私的愛,恐懼猜疑的愛
Fight your mind 與妳的心靈戰鬥
Fight before the worst scenario comes 在可怕場景來臨前戰鬥
This mud in my mind 爛泥巴塞住我的心
This night I will rise 今夜我將奮起
I am what i am i never care 我是那我從不在意
The world is all mine, forgive me that 全世界都是我的, 原諒我那
To the stars I will rise 我將升到星空
The world is mine, never lie to my 全世界都是我的,不要欺騙我的
My egocentric love 我自我為中心的愛



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