
這首歌是肉塊合唱團非常受歡迎的歌, 有其宗教和文化上的隔閡不容易全懂


Nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole, 沒任何東西曾經可以在腐朽的老洞裡面成長
And everything is stunted and lost 所有的事情都發育不良而且死去
And nothing really rocks, and nothing really rolls, 沒任何東西真能搖滾而且沒任何東西真能搖擺
And nothing's ever worth the cost 而且沒任何東西有其價值


Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell 蝙蝠逃出地獄

The sirens are screaming, and the fires are howling 警報器尖叫, 野火發出嚎叫
Way down in the valley tonight  今晚一路衝向山谷
There's a man in the shadows with a gun in his eye 有一個男人帶著槍躲在陰影哩, 在他的眼裡
And a blade shining oh so bright 閃耀刀鋒般的銳利光芒, oh 如此明亮
There's evil in the air and there's thunder in the sky, 邪惡氣氛在空氣中, 雷聲響徹雲霄
And a killer's on the bloodshot streets 一個殺手站在布滿血絲的街上
And down in the tunnels where the deadly are rising 向下走進隧道, 那裏死亡上升
Oh, I swear I saw a young boy down in the gutter Oh, 我發誓我看到一個年輕小男孩在搖曳不定將熄的火堆中
He was starting to foam in the heat 他開始在這熱火中口吐泡沫

Oh, baby you're the only thing in this whole world oh, 寶貝你是世界上唯一的事物, Oh
That's pure and good and right 那個純潔而且是好的和對的
And wherever you are and wherever you go 哪裡需要你而你就到哪裡
There's always gonna be some light, 那裏總是將有一些光亮
But I gotta get out, I gotta break out now 但我將走出去, 我將要掙脫
Before the final crack of dawn 在這最後破曉時分
So we gotta make the most of our one night together 所以我們必需完成大多數我們一夜聚會的事
When it's over, you know, 當這些結束, 你知道
We'll both be so alone 我們兩個都很孤單

Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes 像一隻蝙蝠逃出地獄, 當晨曦照耀時我將會消失
When the night is over, like a bat out of hell, I'll be gone, gone, gone 當夜晚結束, 像一隻蝙蝠逃出地獄, 我將會消失, 消失, 消失
Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes 像一隻蝙蝠逃出地獄,  當清晨來到後我將會消失, 
But when the day is done 但是當白天結束
And the sun goes down 太陽下山
And the moonlight's shining through 月光照耀大地
Then like a sinner before the gates of Heaven 然後像一個罪人在天堂的大門之前
I'll come crawling on back to you 我將爬行在你的背後

I'm gonna hit the highway like a battering ram 我將騎上高速公路像內裝電池
On a silver-black phantom bike 騎著銀黑色夢幻摩托車
When the metal is hot, and the engine is hungry 當金屬樂火熱而引擎飢渴
And we're all about to see the light 我們都將看到光明
Nothing ever grows in this rotting old hole, 沒任何東西曾經可以在腐朽的老洞裡面成長
And everything is stunted and lost 所有的事情都發育不良而且死去
And nothing really rocks, and nothing really rolls, 沒任何東西真能搖滾而且沒任何東西真能搖擺
And nothing's ever worth the cost 而且沒任何東西有其價值

Well I know that I'm damned if I never get out, 好吧我知道我該死, 假如我從未走出去
And maybe I'm damned if I do, 也許我真的該死假如我這樣做
But with every other beat I've got left in my heart, 但是用其他人的心跳我一定要得到且留在心中
You know I want to be damned with you 你知道我要和你一起生氣
If I gotta be damned, you know I want to be damned 假如我該死, 你知道我要被譴責
Dancing through the night with you/ 和你跳舞跳整晚
Well if I gotta be damned, you know I want to be damned, 好吧假如我該死, 你知道我要被譴責
Gotta be damned, you know I want to be damned 將被譴責, 你知道我要被譴責
Gotta be damned, you know I want to be damned 將被譴責, 你知道我要被譴責
Dancing through the night, 跳舞跳整晚
Dancing through the night, 跳舞跳整晚
Dancing through the night with you 和你跳舞跳整晚

Oh, baby you're the only thing in this whole world oh, 寶貝你是世界上唯一的事物, Oh
That's pure and good and right 那個純潔而且是好的和對的
And wherever you are and wherever you go 哪裡需要你而你就到哪裡
There's always gonna be some light, 那裏總是將有一些光亮
But I gotta get out, I gotta break out now 但我將走出去, 我將要掙脫
Before the final crack of dawn 在這最後破曉時分
So we gotta make the most of our one night together 所以我們必需完成大多數我們一夜聚會的事
When it's over, you know, 當這些結束, 你知道
We'll both be so alone 我們兩個都很孤單

Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes 像一隻蝙蝠衝出地獄, 當晨曦照耀時我將會消失
When the night is over, like a bat out of hell, I'll be gone, gone, gone 當夜晚結束, 像一隻蝙蝠衝出地獄, 我將會消失, 消失, 消失
Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone when the morning comes 像一隻蝙蝠衝出地獄, 我將會消失, 當清晨來到後 
But when the day is done 但是當白天結束
And the sun goes down 太陽下山
And the moonlight's shining through 月光照耀大地
Then like a sinner before the gates of Heaven 然後像一個罪人在天堂的大門之前
I'll come crawling on back to you 我將爬行在你的背後

Then like a sinner before the gates of Heaven 然後像一個罪人在天堂的大門之前
I'll come crawling on back to you 我將爬行在你的背後

Well I can see myself tearing up the road, faster 好吧我可以看見自己淚灑整路, 催更快
Than any other boy has ever gone 然後其他男孩都未曾離開
And my skin is raw, but my soul is ripe, 我的外表稚嫩但是我的靈魂很成熟
And no one's gonna stop me now, I'm gonna make my escape 現在沒有任何人可以阻擋我, 我將讓我自己脫逃
But I can't stop thinking of you, 但是我無法停止的想你
And I never see the sudden curve until it's way too late 我從未見到急轉彎, 直到太慢了
And I never see the sudden curve until it's way too late 我從未見到急轉彎, 直到太慢了

Then I'm down in the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, 然後我倒臥在一個坑底被烈日曬著
Torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike, 摩托車撕裂扭曲燃燒在腳邊
And I think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell 我想在某處的某人一定要敲喪鐘
And the last thing I see is my heart, still beating, 最後我發現我的心臟還在跳動
Breaking out of my body and flying away 我的身體突圍而且趕快飛走
Like a bat out of hell 像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠

Then I'm down in the bottom of a pit in the blazing sun, 然後我倒臥在一個坑底被烈日曬著
Torn and twisted at the foot of a burning bike, 摩托車撕裂扭曲燃燒在腳邊
And I think somebody somewhere must be tolling a bell 我想在某處的某人一定要敲喪鐘
And the last thing I see is my heart 最後我發現我的心臟
Still beating still beating 還在跳動
Still beating still beating 還在跳動
Breaking out of my body, and flying away  我的身體突圍而且趕快飛走

Like a bat out of hell 像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠
Oh, like a bat out of hell ㄡ,  像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠

Oh, like a bat out of hell ㄡ,  像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠
Oh, like a bat out of hell (I'll be gone when the morning comes)ㄡ,  像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠( 當清晨來臨我將消失)
Oh, like a bat out of hell (I'll be gone when the morning comes)ㄡ,  像一隻逃出地獄的蝙蝠( 當清晨來臨我將消失)


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